Early Summer in the Year 2000 (Y2K) Beginning with Some Silly Shots in my Office Followed by Some Pictures taken at Jeannie Ann Marie Ryan's Graduation -- She's a Ph.D. in Social Welfare, folks -- and the prettiest Dr. Ryan ever!
Also some sonagrams (yearly occurence with the Ryans nowadays) -- plus a couple or three of little James Jeffrey's parents and grandparents (besides Flo and me) and some shots of a Bible Study barbecue at the Gilley's in Bellevue.
- Just me sitting in my office at SAFECO Insurance Corporation
- Joyce Anne Michaels under the office "bird"
- Myself with David Capocci
- close-up of Joyce Anne Michaels
- Close-up of Me
- James and Jeannie in Jeannie's front room
- Jeannie and the other Ph.D. grads
- Jeannie and her very proud dad -- or as Jeannie would say, "Pops, you old dust mop!"
- Roswell alien on autopsy table behind Ballroom Two at the Huskey Union Building (HUB)
- Jeannie and the other Ph.D. grads
- Jeannie and the other Ph.D. grads
- Jeannie and the other Ph.D. grads
- Jeannie and the other Ph.D. grads cracking up
- Flo, Jeannie and me
- Jeannie and her very proud mother, Flo
- Jeannie and me -- it looks like I broke a tooth!
- Flo and our youngest daughter, Elizabeth
- Tim, our youngest son, watching Jeannie walk out onto the stage to receive her . . . no -- maybe this was before the ceremony, come to think of it!
- Elizabeth and James watching the ceremony
- Keynote Speaker sets the stage.
- James smiles "Hi!"
- Ph.D. "candidates" line up to go on stage. Jeannie is last--the very last one of the 210 or so to graduate. As Tim Beauchamp remarked, "Everyone will be waiting for Jeannie to get her diploma!"
- Close-up of Jeannie in line
- Jeannie saying a short prayer that she won't wake up in the school library while still working n her dissertation.
- This is it, Jeannie! Don't trip on that first step!
- Jeannie being hooded. "Dr. Ryan" at last!
- All done and all smiles during closing remarks
- James and Jeannie outside in the school courtyard
- Another of James and Jeannie
- Timmy, Jeannie and Elizabeth in the school courtyard
- Baby James Ryan at 4 months in womb (3-27-2000)
- Baby James Ryan at 7 months in womb (6-27-2000)
- A nice portrait of Jim and Brooke
- Brooke's father being silly -- Poor little James Jeffrey will have two crazy grandpas, eh?
- Jeff and Sharon Robinson many years ago
- Jim and Brooke enjoying a baseball game in Miami
- Tim Berman sitting at my computer -- prior to major crash (??!!??)
- At Bill and Maura Gilley's BBQ: Wendy and Royal Woods
- At Bill and Maura Gilley's BBQ: Mabel Black Label and Maura Gilley
- At Bill and Maura Gilley's BBQ: Carrie Inglehardt and Marilyn Funk
- At Bill and Maura Gilley's BBQ: Pastor Darrel Elliott, Royal and Wendy Woods, Claude Beatrice, Mabel, Tim Berman
- At Bill and Maura Gilley's BBQ: Dave and Marilyn Funk, Pastor Darrell Elliott
- At Bill and Maura Gilley's BBQ: Bill Gilley pointing at house for whatever reason
- At Bill and Maura Gilley's BBQ: Nice shot of Bill Gilley
- At Bill and Maura Gilley's BBQ: Claude Beatrice and Carrie Inglehardt
- At Bill and Maura Gilley's BBQ: Carrie Inglehardt, Dave Funk, Marilyn Funk, Pastor Darrell
- The "other" Canadian Paul (S.) and his 18-wheeler
- Another closer shot of the "other" Canadian Paul at his cab