Mid to Late Summer of Year 2000 AD.CE. -- Some shots at marathon Mariners Game with Timmy, followed by Elizabeth's 24th birthday party at Timmy's on the next day (30 July 2000), the birth of Jim's and Brooke's baby (James Jeffrey) on August 1st and Mary's 30th birthday the next weekend at David's place (while Rebecca was in Seattle to celebrate with us). Whew!!
- George getting head scratched one last time as I was running out door to pick up Tim for the Mariners game. (Yes, I took the picture with my right hand while scratching George's head with my left.)
- Tim at Mariners game at SAFECO Field
- View from our seats in the rarified atmosphere of the third deck
- This time, it was my turn to have my picture taken
- Tim with game behind. We moved up as the game went into extra innings. It ended up Mariners 6 - Blue Jays 5 in 13 innings -- as good a game as I've ever seen, if not the very best!
- Tim's new home -- the Marion Apartments up on Capital Hill. That's Tim in the shadows in the foregound.
- Lizzie's 24th Birthday Party at Timmy's: Jeannie and James eating Vegan
- Lizzie's 24th Birthday Party at Timmy's: David and Kim eating Vegan
- Lizzie's 24th Birthday Party at Timmy's: Lizzie and Jeannie eating Vegan
- Lizzie's 24th Birthday Party at Timmy's: Elizabeth chug-a-lugging her Vegan beer
- Lizzie's 24th Birthday Party at Timmy's: David at Tim's
- Roswell alien on autopsy table in Anya's bedroom -- next room over from room where we were partying
- Lizzie's 24th Birthday Party at Timmy's: Timmy at Timmy's
- Lizzie's 24th Birthday Party at Timmy's: Lizzie, Jeremy, Kim on Tim's balcony -- that's downtown Seattle in the background
- Lizzie's 24th Birthday Party at Timmy's: Lizzie blowing out her candles on Vegan carrot cake. The "candles" were Vegan too; David lit six matches (two and four for "24") guaranteed not to contain animal products.
- Lizzie's 24th Birthday Party at Timmy's: Elizabeth cutting her Vegan carrot cake. (By the way, it was delicious!)
- The birth of James Jeffrey Robinson/Ryan brightens up the summer of 2000 AD/CE: The newest angel in the family. James Jeffrey -- son of Jim and Brooke, born on August 1, 2000 at 2:44 p.m., weighing in at 5 pounds, 3 ounces and at an amazing length of 19 1/8 inches. Isn't he gorgeous?
- The birth of James Jeffrey Robinson/Ryan brightens up the summer of 2000 AD/CE: Brooke and Jim just after the birth
- The birth of James Jeffrey Robinson/Ryan brightens up the summer of 2000 AD/CE: James Jeffrey and Brooke shortly after the birth
- The birth of James Jeffrey Robinson/Ryan brightens up the summer of 2000 AD/CE: James Jeffrey and Jim shortly after the birth
- The birth of James Jeffrey Robinson/Ryan brightens up the summer of 2000 AD/CE: Brooke and the babe on the second day
- The birth of James Jeffrey Robinson/Ryan brightens up the summer of 2000 AD/CE: Brooke, Jim and James Jeffrey on the second day
- The birth of James Jeffrey Robinson/Ryan brightens up the summer of 2000 AD/CE: Grandpa Robinson and the lovely babe
- The birth of James Jeffrey Robinson/Ryan brightens up the summer of 2000 AD/CE: Grandpa, mommy and the babe
- Mary's 30th Birthday Party at David's in Wallingford: Mihee, Becky and jeanne perusing an old album while waiting for the festifities to begin
- Mary's 30th Birthday Party at David's in Wallingford: Mary blowing out the candles (8 years is a long time to wait for another Democrat in the White House after November's election, don't you think?)
- Mary's 30th Birthday Party at David's in Wallingford: Madeline and Mary opening presents
- Mary's 30th Birthday Party at David's in Wallingford: Beautiful portrait of Madeline and Mary
- Mary's 30th Birthday Party at David's in Wallingford: Rebecca and Jeannie obviously enjoying themselves
- Mary's 30th Birthday Party at David's in Wallingford: Kim and Elizabeth -- again a nice portrait!
- Mary's 30th Birthday Party at David's in Wallingford: Mary showing off the stained glass fairy from Rebecca
- Mary's 30th Birthday Party at David's in Wallingford: Jeannie & Becky -- the party's over kids!
- Mary's 30th Birthday Party at David's in Wallingford: A family portrait of sorts: Top row: Dad (me), Timmy, Jeannie and Rebecca; bottom row: David, Madeline, Mary and Elizabeth (Mihee took the picture.)
- Mary's 30th Birthday Party at David's in Wallingford: Madeline on David's stoop
- Mary's 30th Birthday Party at David's in Wallingford: Mehe and Rebecca
- Roswell alien on autopsy table in David's bedroom -- Mary insisted that it be moved over from Tim's and Anya's place for her thirtieth.
- Mary's 30th Birthday Party at David's in Wallingford: Mary all packed and ready to go back to Corvallis. (That's Madeline barely visible in the back seat.)
- Mary's 30th Birthday Party at David's in Wallingford: Mary standing by her white wagon
- Mary's 30th Birthday Party at David's in Wallingford: The rest of the crowd saying goodbye on David's front porch, steps and front walk.
- Mary's 30th Birthday Party at David's in Wallingford: Mary's last wave goodbye . . .
- Part One of James Jeffrey's birth announcement in the Raleigh newspaper
- Part Two of James Jeffrey's birth announcement in the Raleigh newspaper